Distributed use of a centralized access database



Hey all, I'm trying to setup an access database for a pricing/ordering
procedure within my company. I want to create all of the product BOMs within
the database, and provide an easy mechanism for the field to quote products
using that database. The database is in pretty good shape, and I am entering
the product data this weekend, but I still have NO idea how to go about
enabling remote access.

What I want to do is allow field people to access the forms and enter data
without having a copy of the database locally, and preferrably without having
Access installed on their machine. Is there a web interface that is
available for this type of use? I've heard some people talking about
distributing a project, but I'm not really sure if that's what I need.
Assume that the user has VPN access to the same network as the database, or
at least SSH tunnel access via selected ports (usually 80). I would much
prefer a client/server approach allowing synchronization, however, if all I
can do is package a file and distribute (without everybody having Access
installed) I'll take it. I was looking for something a bit more
sophisticated, and error proof, than just mailing out updated versions of the
mdb file.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Van T. Dinh

1. I don't use this but check Access Help topic "About data access pages".

2. You can, of course, write your own Web application that uses your
database as the back-end for data only.

3. Even with a good network (at best, you look at 1 or 2 MBits/sec), it is
still not an optimal solution with remote Access Front-End accessing a
cnetral JET Bck-End. My preferred method is to use Citrix or Windows 2003
Terminal Server so that remote users can access you pricing / ordering
application remotely in this case.

See Albert Kallal's article:


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