Distributing Word Macros


Will Nelson

Thanks in advance

I've developed and tested macros which reside in my normal.dot

I need to distribute the macros to a number of sites. I think I want to create a different .dot file (opinions may vary)

Questions are

1> How do I create the .dot file containing only the relevant code and forms
2> How do I make the code invisible to the end-user, i.e. I don't want them to be able to "borrow" the code in the end-user's own macros
3> What is the best way to accomplish the preceding and distribute updates

Any reference to a detailed resource describing deployment is gratefully received

Thanks again.


Simplest is to distribute an add-in template.

1. Move the code and forms from normal.dot to a new template. Use the VBE
project explorer to export the modules from normal.dot and import them into
your new template.

2. To protect the code, in VBE go to Toole > Properties, and select
Protection tab, and enter a password.

3. To install the add-in, save the template to the Word Start-up folder (use
Tools > Options > File locations to find what folder Word is using).
Installation is simple if you can ask your users to save the template to
that location; but tricky to automate.

Will Nelson said:
Thanks in advance.

I've developed and tested macros which reside in my normal.dot.

I need to distribute the macros to a number of sites. I think I want to
create a different .dot file (opinions may vary).
Questions are:

1> How do I create the .dot file containing only the relevant code and forms?
2> How do I make the code invisible to the end-user, i.e. I don't want
them to be able to "borrow" the code in the end-user's own macros?

Will Nelson

Ms. Jezebel:

Thank you for your rapid response.

Sorry to be thick-headed dolt, but how do I start the VBE Project Explorer? Do you mean type ctrl-R while in the IDE entered via Microsoft Word > Alt-F8 etc.? If so, I'm there. Then what?

Or do I start VBEPX elsewise?

Thanks again for your time.



Yes, exactly that: ctrl-R in the IDE (it's normally displayed
automatically). Right-click on the module, select Export File from the popup

Will Nelson said:
Ms. Jezebel:

Thank you for your rapid response.

Sorry to be thick-headed dolt, but how do I start the VBE Project
Explorer? Do you mean type ctrl-R while in the IDE entered via Microsoft
Word > Alt-F8 etc.? If so, I'm there. Then what?

Will Nelson

Ms. J

Thanks for hanging in there

OK. I export the files to a temporary directory. I have no clue how to create the repository for the import. Menu browsing renders me useless

Thanks again



Open your target template as a document (ie open in the main Word window).
It will appear in the Project Explorer list. Right-click. Select Import

Will Nelson said:
Ms. J:

Thanks for hanging in there.

OK. I export the files to a temporary directory. I have no clue how to
create the repository for the import. Menu browsing renders me useless.

Jonathan West

Hi Will

This article should be of assistance

Distributing macros to other users

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup

Will Nelson said:
Thanks in advance.

I've developed and tested macros which reside in my normal.dot.

I need to distribute the macros to a number of sites. I think I want to
create a different .dot file (opinions may vary).
Questions are:

1> How do I create the .dot file containing only the relevant code and forms?
2> How do I make the code invisible to the end-user, i.e. I don't want
them to be able to "borrow" the code in the end-user's own macros?

Charles Kenyon

I doubt that opinions will vary among experienced users. You do want to
create a different .dot file. This would be used as an Add-In, a secondary
global template. This is done by putting it in the user's Word Startup

Responding to your numbered questions:

1> How do I create the .dot file containing only the relevant code and
Use the vba editor (Alt-F11) to copy code and forms into your new template.

2> How do I make the code invisible to the end-user, i.e. I don't want them
to be able to "borrow" the code in the end-user's own macros?
In the vbe, under Tools you will find properties for your project. You can
protect your code with a password. Use a longer password with combinations
of letters and other characters for best protection. - Or make your Add-In a
..COM add-in which is beyond my knowledge.

3> What is the best way to accomplish the preceding and distribute updates.
There is a page on the MVP FAQ on distributing macros. Read it.
Will Nelson said:
Thanks in advance.

I've developed and tested macros which reside in my normal.dot.

I need to distribute the macros to a number of sites. I think I want to
create a different .dot file (opinions may vary).
Questions are:

1> How do I create the .dot file containing only the relevant code and forms?
2> How do I make the code invisible to the end-user, i.e. I don't want
them to be able to "borrow" the code in the end-user's own macros?

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