Will Nelson
Thanks in advance
I've developed and tested macros which reside in my normal.dot
I need to distribute the macros to a number of sites. I think I want to create a different .dot file (opinions may vary)
Questions are
1> How do I create the .dot file containing only the relevant code and forms
2> How do I make the code invisible to the end-user, i.e. I don't want them to be able to "borrow" the code in the end-user's own macros
3> What is the best way to accomplish the preceding and distribute updates
Any reference to a detailed resource describing deployment is gratefully received
Thanks again.
I've developed and tested macros which reside in my normal.dot
I need to distribute the macros to a number of sites. I think I want to create a different .dot file (opinions may vary)
Questions are
1> How do I create the .dot file containing only the relevant code and forms
2> How do I make the code invisible to the end-user, i.e. I don't want them to be able to "borrow" the code in the end-user's own macros
3> What is the best way to accomplish the preceding and distribute updates
Any reference to a detailed resource describing deployment is gratefully received
Thanks again.