Distribution List properties

  • Thread starter Michael Tissington
  • Start date

Michael Tissington

I'm looking at the properties on a Distribution list.

(NMID = 8055 and 8054)

Both of these are PT_MV_BINARY

One of the containes a list of OneOff EntryIDs

The second one I'm not so sure about.

It seems to be the actual EntryID with about 21 bytes prefixed to it.

Any idea what these prefixed bytes are or how I go about creating this?


Dmitry Streblechenko

This is probably the entry id of an IPM.Contact message as exposed through
the Outlook Address Book provider (which embeds IMessage entry id into the
IMailUser entry id).

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Michael Tissington

Any idea how to create it ?

If I use the same list as my oneoffs, it works but when the user clicks an
address the get the simple dialog.

In a real distribution list if the user clicks it, it open the actual
Contact ...

Michael Tissington

Hmm, this is not what I see ...

I see an additional 21 bytes in the front.

The first 4 bytes flags
Then 17 bytes of what ?
Then a Long Term EntryID

I'll try what you sugest and see what happens ....

Michael Tissington

Well that did not work - definatley prefixed with 21 bytes and the first 4
are flag bytes ... that just leaves 17 and they do NOT look like my provider
uid or and id that I recognize to do with my store ...

Dmitry Streblechenko

If these bytes are constant in all versions of Outlook, then you can just
hardcode them and pray that it will work. Of course it would be nice to know
what's there, but hey, as long as it works...
Does the UID bytes look like the OAB provider?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Michael Tissington

Thats an interesting question, where do I get the UID of the OAB provider

The property is something like

00 00 00 00 C0 91 AD D3 .... 00 47 FA A4 C3 and then a real EID

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