Thank you Russ for your quick answer.
-----Original Message-----
Sorry. Whatever you wrote didn't appear here. Could you repost? The news
servers have been quite ill lately and messages are going missing.
Russ Valentine
I did read it and gave you more info about it. could you
take the time to read what I wrote you!!!
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q318/5/7-----Original Message-----
See the reply to your other post.
Russ Valentine
Thank you Russ for your quick answer.
I did read the article and follow the instructions
however everything was configure good
Let me more precise
I use fax wizard
Select in the address book a distribution list
I do see the format of the phone # is +1 (nnn) nnn- nnnn
After I am done with the fax wizard
The faxes to be send as change to a different format
Why the format change? this is my problem when I use a
distribution list ONLY no problem if I send a fax to
someone in the distribution list without selecting the
distribution list the fax will dial properly.
Thank you again
-----Original Message-----
Take a look at this MS KB article, it may help:when5.asp
Russ Valentine
I have outlook 2002
When I create a contact fax # like 954-434-3074 and
a fax I don't have any problem. However when I create
contact list including the same fax number when it
the fax # does NOT include the area code. Why when I
send a single fax I don't have any problem and
Isend a contact list I have problem?