I'm not sure how you find the colors in Photoshop to check the actual CYMK or
RGB. In Illustrator, on the menu bar, go to Window > Color. Then on the Color
window, there is a little button with a triangle on the top right even with
the word "color," click that and select either RGB or CYMK. Make sure the RGB
is 0-0-0 and the CYMK is 0% in all four windows next to the color sliders.
Try saving with a white background, and then make the background transparent
in Word...see if that works.
I just thought of another idea. OK, this is kludgy, but it worked when I
tried it. Paste the image with the faulty background. Right click on the
figure, open the Object Toolbar. From the Wrapping button, select "Edit Wrap
Points" and use the bounding box to ignore the background area and follow the
figures actual outline. Then open the Object Editing window. Under Layout,
Advanced, select Square or Tight, on the Text Position tab, select whehter
you want to wrap on the left, right, or both sides.
"Tight" will place text adjacent to your bounding box wrapper, and will give
you a margin following the shape of the figure .. "square" gives you the
conventional box, but the background is transparent because of your bounding
Maybe that will work because it trims the spurious pixels out of the figure.
If it doesn't work, I'm out of ideas. The reason a jpg doesn't give you the
same problem is that you can't make a jpg's background transparent until it's
placed in Word.
Hopefully this will help.