

Mark A. Sam


Is there a way to suppres a #DIV/0! display in a calculated cell?

Thank you and God Bless,

Mark A. Sam

Harlan Grove

Mark A. Sam said:
Is there a way to suppres a #DIV/0! display in a calculated cell?

Generally best to avoid the error rather than suppress the display.
If, for example, you had formulas calculating averages, but the ranges
in question were empty, those formulas would return #DIV/0!. If you
wanted to return 0 or nothing, you could change the formulas from
=AVERAGE(range) to =IF(COUNT(range),AVERAGE(range),0 or ""). If you're
calculating ratios, but the numerators and denominators were both
blank cells, you could change formulas from =N/D to =IF(COUNT(N,D)=2,N/
D,0 or "").

The rule-of-thumb is that you should avoid EXPECTED divide-by-zero
errors by detecting the EXPECTED causes, and returning a different
result when those causes occur, but it's best to propagate all



Is there a way to suppres a #DIV/0! display in a calculated cell?

Thank you and God Bless,

Mark A. Sam

I think one way is to make a formula as:
where A1=* and B1=0

Mark A. Sam

Thank you both. I handled it like this:


I work in Access which uses the IIF() function. I don't know why they don't
keep the function names the same.

God Bless,

Mark A Sam


Is there a way to suppres a #DIV/0! display in a calculated cell?

Thank you and God Bless,

Mark A. Sam

I think one way is to make a formula as:
where A1=* and B1=0

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