Divide a number into multiple cells



I need to divide a number into multiple cells accurately. All results should
equal the divided number if summed.
An odd number for example;
455 divided into 4 cells should return 114, 114, 114, 113.

Or an even number;
424 divided into 4 different cells returning 212, 212, 212, 212.


tim m

The question is do the numbers have to be rounded up or down to whole numbers
or can they be decimals?

If 455 was in cell A1 you could copy this forumla into four cells =$A$1/4
which would give you 113.75, a sum of those 4 cells = 455



It looks like you want whole numbers as results.

What result would expect from 286?

72....72....72....70 = 286

A1 = some number

Enter this formula in B1 and copy across to E1:



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