I was shocked when I found that I can apparently not divide cells in
Excel for Mac. I have just started using Escel for Windows at work
and figured that such a basic operation would be available on Mac.
But the office assistant seems to say that the only dividing that can
be done is to unmerge cells that have been previously merged. If
anyone can help, please do. Even if it's just to say "yup they left a
BASIC function off of this version of Excel."
Excel for Mac. I have just started using Escel for Windows at work
and figured that such a basic operation would be available on Mac.
But the office assistant seems to say that the only dividing that can
be done is to unmerge cells that have been previously merged. If
anyone can help, please do. Even if it's just to say "yup they left a
BASIC function off of this version of Excel."