Dividing website for more efficient navigation bars


Lost in technology

In your thread to moonglow you recommend saving sections of a website
separately in order to use more than one navigation bar. So far, each time I
have intended to save one page because of changes I made, all of the pages
are saved automatically, which leaves the idea of deleting pages positively
frightening. I just don't see another way to do it. For someone who is better
at creative than technical, it's difficult to understand how to go about

Lost in Technology

I did read your article, but like I said, when I hit "save" or "save as" all
of the pages are saved, so I'm not sure how it's beneficial. What you are
saying would make sense, but the program doesn't seem to work that way. It
looks to me like I have to save each page, then go back and delete each page
I didn't mean to save with it. Each time I saved a page due to updates, all
of the pages saved, so I actually had four websites, rather than four pages.
Is there a class or forum that can help?

David Bartosik said:
Did you break it into multiple files?
See http://www.publishermvps.com/Default.aspx?tabid=81

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

Lost in technology said:
In your thread to moonglow you recommend saving sections of a website
separately in order to use more than one navigation bar. So far, each time
have intended to save one page because of changes I made, all of the pages
are saved automatically, which leaves the idea of deleting pages
frightening. I just don't see another way to do it. For someone who is
at creative than technical, it's difficult to understand how to go about


What it sounds like to me is that the following is occurring:

You have, for example, a twenty page website that is currently in a single
file. Lets call it Main File. What you need to do is "Cut" groups of pages
from Main File, for example 5 pages into a new publisher file and save as a
different name, File A, File B, etc. The final product would be 4 files with
5 pages each and would look like the following:

File A: Pages 1-5
File B: Pages 6-10
File C: Pages 11-15
File D: Pages 16-20

I am using a NavBar to navigate my entire site so I cannot break up my files
easily (I currently have approx 70 pages in a single Pub file). If I could
break it up, this is how I would assume you would do it. I could be wrong
though as I am not an MVP ;-).


Lost in Technology said:
I did read your article, but like I said, when I hit "save" or "save as" all
of the pages are saved, so I'm not sure how it's beneficial. What you are
saying would make sense, but the program doesn't seem to work that way. It
looks to me like I have to save each page, then go back and delete each page
I didn't mean to save with it. Each time I saved a page due to updates, all
of the pages saved, so I actually had four websites, rather than four pages.
Is there a class or forum that can help?

David Bartosik said:
Did you break it into multiple files?
See http://www.publishermvps.com/Default.aspx?tabid=81

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

Lost in technology said:
In your thread to moonglow you recommend saving sections of a website
separately in order to use more than one navigation bar. So far, each time
have intended to save one page because of changes I made, all of the pages
are saved automatically, which leaves the idea of deleting pages
frightening. I just don't see another way to do it. For someone who is
at creative than technical, it's difficult to understand how to go about

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