Divisions and formulas in a column ? for data entered in a row.



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Hello. New user to excel ( and to spreadsheets in general ) so bear with my long winded issue. I'll put my example first so you will see where i am lost at.

Sears $1000 $100 10 1 $250 4
Best buy $600 $40 15 2 $200 3

Column A - Name of a store or bill
Column B - Total amount due/owed
Column C - Minimum monthly payment
Column D - Column B/ row divided by Column C /same row
Column E - A numerical value assigned based on Column D from the lowest # to be given the value of 1 to the highest # . ( seeing as there are to be about 20+ entries i wanted it so that i know which one to focus on first and for it to re-adjust as a bill / debt is paid off and removed from the listing )
Column F - A fixed number to be used ( but that could change allowing the next column to change as well. )
Column G - Column B/row divided by Column F/row showing how long it will take to pay off that debt in months based on the amount that is entered in Column F.

This is the basic idea that i have, that i may want to expand on but i am not sure where to go or what it is called to start this. I assume that i start with the start screen when i launch Excel. Any clarification needed please don't hesitate to ask as i am not sure i got out of my head what i have been banging my head on the keyboard about for the last 2 weeks looking for in the help menu's


Well, so much for being neat and lining up your idea.

Just had a thought about adding a Column for a check mark to indicate the bill / debt is paid off and it removes any place value in Column E, allowing for the re-adjustments still. Wether making it a zero or some other entry. this could be at the head or end of the rows.

Carl Witthoft

Not sure just how lost you are. Have you figured out things like
column D's formula is =b10/c10 ?

Similar for column G.

The only tricky one would be that ranking in column E. Here is how to
do it:


where for my example, your data are in rows 8 thru 14. Read the help
file for RANK.

As to your second post about checkmarks and what not, read about IF,
and do some sort of
IF(B1 =0,"Paid off!","still more to pay")


Great will try this route.. yes i finally figured out the first part of the problem with the drag and copy for the formula for the column. was wondering how to get those symbols out of the column when no entry was made, but no biggie.> Not sure just how lost you are. Have you figured out things like
> column D's formula is =b10/c10 ?
> Similar for column G.
> The only tricky one would be that ranking in column E. Here is how to
> do it:
> =RANK(D8,$D$8:$D$14)
> where for my example, your data are in rows 8 thru 14. Read the help
> file for RANK.
> As to your second post about checkmarks and what not, read about IF,
> and do some sort of
> IF(B1 =0,"Paid off!","still more to pay")
> In article ,
> (e-mail address removed) wrote:
> > Version: 2008
> > Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
> > Processor: Intel
> >
> > Hello. New user to excel ( and to spreadsheets in general ) so bear with my
> > long winded issue. I'll put my example first so you will see where i am lost
> > at. A B C D E F
> > G
> > Sears $1000 $100 10 1 $250 4
> > Best buy $600 $40 15 2 $200 3 Column A -
> > Name of a store or bill
> > Column B - Total amount due/owed
> > Column C - Minimum monthly payment
> > Column D - Column B/ row divided by Column C /same row
> > Column E - A numerical value assigned based on Column D from the lowest #
> > to be given the value of 1 to the highest # . ( seeing as there are to be
> > about 20+ entries i wanted it so that i know which one to focus on first and
> > for it to re-adjust as a bill / debt is paid off and removed from the listing
> > )
> > Column F - A fixed number to be used ( but that could change allowing the
> > next column to change as well. )
> > Column G - Column B/row divided by Column F/row showing how long it will take
> > to pay off that debt in months based on the amount that is entered in Column
> > F. This is the basic idea that i have, that i may want to expand on
> > but i am not sure where to go or what it is called to start this. I assume
> > that i start with the start screen when i launch Excel. Any
> > clarification needed please don't hesitate to ask as i am not sure i got out
> > of my head what i have been banging my head on the keyboard about for the
> > last 2 weeks looking for in the help menu's
> --
> Team EM to the rescue! http://www.team-em.com

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