MY wonderfull on-line access booking system (tested for ages) has just
failed on the third application. Why ? An Irish person (booking from
someone in Dublin) named Mr O'Rourke
strID = Nz(DLookup("[CDClientID]", "[TblClients]", "[CD1stName] ='" &
Form!txt1stName & "' AND [CDSurname] = '" & Form!txtSurname & "'AND
[CDDateofBirth] = " & Format(Form!frmNewBookings!txtDateofBirth,
"\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#")), "0")
Helped by Douglas Steel and John Vinson
Has anyone an idea of how to amend the above to cope with O'Rourke,
O'Donnel, M'Clishe or even O'Shuanasey'Smith.
The lookup is looking for 'ORourke', and the extra apostrophe is making this
2 words - Mr O and Mr Rourke
Any tips would be really helpful
failed on the third application. Why ? An Irish person (booking from
someone in Dublin) named Mr O'Rourke
strID = Nz(DLookup("[CDClientID]", "[TblClients]", "[CD1stName] ='" &
Form!txt1stName & "' AND [CDSurname] = '" & Form!txtSurname & "'AND
[CDDateofBirth] = " & Format(Form!frmNewBookings!txtDateofBirth,
"\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#")), "0")
Helped by Douglas Steel and John Vinson
Has anyone an idea of how to amend the above to cope with O'Rourke,
O'Donnel, M'Clishe or even O'Shuanasey'Smith.
The lookup is looking for 'ORourke', and the extra apostrophe is making this
2 words - Mr O and Mr Rourke
Any tips would be really helpful