Dlookup( One more thing...


Matt Pierringer

Ok, I have almost got it with the correct syntax. I have corrected my
last Dlookup statement which was pulling a value from the same report I
had dlookup on which wasn't doing me any good, because then it was
providing me duplicate values. Here is my info:
= " & Nz([cbxRequired],0))
qryRequiredEach = The domain that I am grabbing my values off of and
trying to compare a value from my report to
Each = A number value on my query (price) ie: 37.65
rqdCatalog = A text value that displays the catalog number ie: HXJ3T
[cbxRequired] = The combo box source of which I am trying to compare to
my query, so that it selects the correct Each

Currently it is grabbing the first price in the Each column from the
query, how do I get it to compare the right values and then take the
correct Each

Matt Pierringer

I tried entering in the expression you put down but is missing the Nz(
function to tell me whether it has usable data and it didn't work very
well when I tried just entering what you had, here is what I changed it
to(I know I didn't include the Nz function but it kept saying wrong
number of arguments when I would try to add it on the cbxRequired):
=DLookUp("[Each]","qryRequiredEach","[rqdCatalog] = '" & [cbxRequired]
& "'")

It doesn't show anything when I enter this expression

Since rqdCatalog is text, you need to use the correct syntax for a text
field. Also, including the domain name in a DLookup for each field is

=DLookUp("[Each]","qryRequiredEach","[rqdCatalog] = '" & Me.cbxRequired &

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Matt Pierringer said:
Ok, I have almost got it with the correct syntax. I have corrected my
last Dlookup statement which was pulling a value from the same report I
had dlookup on which wasn't doing me any good, because then it was
providing me duplicate values. Here is my info:
= " & Nz([cbxRequired],0))
qryRequiredEach = The domain that I am grabbing my values off of and
trying to compare a value from my report to
Each = A number value on my query (price) ie: 37.65
rqdCatalog = A text value that displays the catalog number ie: HXJ3T
[cbxRequired] = The combo box source of which I am trying to compare to
my query, so that it selects the correct Each
Currently it is grabbing the first price in the Each column from the
query, how do I get it to compare the right values and then take the
correct Each

Matt Pierringer

I set the Combo Box to visible and had it print to the report. It
showed a value the same as the rqdCatalog in the query, here is the sql
query SELECT tblRequired.rqAutoIDd , tblRequired.rqdCatalog FROM
Does it matter which one is first?

Also here is the sql query for qryRequiredEach:
SELECT tblRequired.rqdCatalog, tblProducts.Catalog, tblProducts.Each,
tblProducts.[Material Number]
FROM tblRequired INNER JOIN tblProducts ON tblRequired.rqdCatalog =
As you can see I am pretty sure I don't have other filtering going on.
The syntax of access can puzzle me sometimes because I don't understand
how all the little things have effect.
The Nz function where you want to put it would not really do anthing
different; however, if you want to try it, the correct syntax should be:
=DLookUp("[Each]","qryRequiredEach","[rqdCatalog] = '" & Nz([cbxRequired],
"") & "'")

If no records are being returned and no error is returned, here are the
1. There are no records in the table that match the value of the combo box.
2. The query you are using has other filtering going on
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Matt Pierringer said:
I tried entering in the expression you put down but is missing the Nz(
function to tell me whether it has usable data and it didn't work very
well when I tried just entering what you had, here is what I changed it
to(I know I didn't include the Nz function but it kept saying wrong
number of arguments when I would try to add it on the cbxRequired):
=DLookUp("[Each]","qryRequiredEach","[rqdCatalog] = '" & [cbxRequired]
& "'")
It doesn't show anything when I enter this expression
Since rqdCatalog is text, you need to use the correct syntax for a text
field. Also, including the domain name in a DLookup for each field is
=DLookUp("[Each]","qryRequiredEach","[rqdCatalog] = '" & Me.cbxRequired &
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP
Ok, I have almost got it with the correct syntax. I have corrected my
last Dlookup statement which was pulling a value from the same report I
had dlookup on which wasn't doing me any good, because then it was
providing me duplicate values. Here is my info:
= " & Nz([cbxRequired],0))
qryRequiredEach = The domain that I am grabbing my values off of and
trying to compare a value from my report to
Each = A number value on my query (price) ie: 37.65
rqdCatalog = A text value that displays the catalog number ie: HXJ3T
[cbxRequired] = The combo box source of which I am trying to compare to
my query, so that it selects the correct Each
Currently it is grabbing the first price in the Each column from the
query, how do I get it to compare the right values and then take the
correct Each

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