You placed Left in the position after a dot, (forms!FormName.Property) so
that Access is expecting a property not a function.
(It should have been a bang (!) anyway.)
What is the name of the form that contains this DLookUp?
Is it frmMain?
If so you do not need the forms!FormName!ControlName syntax:
=DLookUp("[Zone]","tblZipZone","[ZZip] =" & Chr(34) & Left([Zip],3) &
Also, as it's highly unlikely there are any single quotes stored in a Zip
code field you could use:
=DLookUp("[Zone]","tblZipZone","[ZZip] = '" & Left([Zip],3) & "'")
If the control is not on frmMain, then the syntax should be:
"[ZZip] = " & chr(34) & Left(forms!frmMain![Zip],3) & chr(34)
"[ZZip] = '" & Left(forms!frmMain![Zip],3) & "'")
Make sure the name of this control is not "ZZip" or "Zone".
Please reply only to this newsgroup.
I do not reply to personal e-mail.
Tks Turtle, I've inched forward (I think); at least now I'm getting at least
#Name? in my textbox. No matter that I enter it as below including ...
frmMain.Left([Zip],3) &...
it is converted (by Access) to ... [frmMain].
([Zip],3) &...
Is that my problem (the Left in [ ]'s looks suspicious!!;
Further, is it best sometimes to delete the textbox you have been trying to
create this thing in and create a new one fresh and enter your suggested
code into the new one?
Much appreciated......
MacDermott said:
Try it like this:
=DLookUp("[Zone]","tblZipZone","[ZZip] =" &
Also add spaces around your & characters.
- Turtle
What's wrong syntactically with:
=DLookUp("[Zone]","tblZipZone","[ZZip] =
Thanks in Advance,