DLookup works once



I am using the following to find volumes from a table when inputing a gauge
(from a storage tank) on a form:


This works...once. If I change the number in the textbox control
"InputGauge" on the form, the result stays the same. I have tried the

=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] ="

but then I recieve an #ERROR


Where did you locate the Dlookup statement?
If it is in the control source of the field then
=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = "&[InputGauge])

Unless the Gauge field type is string, then try
=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = '" & [InputGauge] & "'")

The Me.InputGauge.Requery mean
Me = Current form
InputGauge = The name of the field in the form you refer to
Requery = Activate the Dlookup again

\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

RMires said:
=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = [InputGauge]")

Works, but =DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = "&[InputGauge])
gives me the same error. What is the Me in the Me.InputGauge.Requery
expression? It tells me that it doesn't recognize the Macro "Me"

Ofer said:

=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = " & [InputGauge])

And you can try and refresh this field when the InputGauge changes, on the
after update event of the field, write


\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

RMires said:
I am using the following to find volumes from a table when inputing a gauge
(from a storage tank) on a form:


This works...once. If I change the number in the textbox control
"InputGauge" on the form, the result stays the same. I have tried the

=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] ="

but then I recieve an #ERROR



=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = " & [InputGauge])

And you can try and refresh this field when the InputGauge changes, on the
after update event of the field, write



=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = [InputGauge]")

Works, but =DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = "&[InputGauge])
gives me the same error. What is the Me in the Me.InputGauge.Requery
expression? It tells me that it doesn't recognize the Macro "Me"

Ofer said:

=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = " & [InputGauge])

And you can try and refresh this field when the InputGauge changes, on the
after update event of the field, write


\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

RMires said:
I am using the following to find volumes from a table when inputing a gauge
(from a storage tank) on a form:


This works...once. If I change the number in the textbox control
"InputGauge" on the form, the result stays the same. I have tried the

=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] ="

but then I recieve an #ERROR


Sorry, I forgot one thing

When you are on the After update event of the InputGauge field, you can see
a button on the right with three dots, click on it, and select code view, and
tere you can put the code

Me.[insert here The Field name where the dlookup is in].Requery
\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

RMires said:
=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = [InputGauge]")

Works, but =DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = "&[InputGauge])
gives me the same error. What is the Me in the Me.InputGauge.Requery
expression? It tells me that it doesn't recognize the Macro "Me"

Ofer said:

=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] = " & [InputGauge])

And you can try and refresh this field when the InputGauge changes, on the
after update event of the field, write


\\// Live Long and Prosper \\//

RMires said:
I am using the following to find volumes from a table when inputing a gauge
(from a storage tank) on a form:


This works...once. If I change the number in the textbox control
"InputGauge" on the form, the result stays the same. I have tried the

=DLookUp("[Volume]","tblStrap2612","[Gauge] ="

but then I recieve an #ERROR

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