

David M C

Private Sub SORCode_AfterUpdate()

If Me![SORCode] = Null Then
'Do Nothing
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = " & Me![SORCode])
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
End If


End Sub

I have a table, WorksDetail and a table ScheduleOfRates. My form puts
records into the WorksDetail table. For about 25% of the records, we use what
is known as the Schedule of Rates, which is an industry standard system of
pricing. When one of these codes is entered, I'm trying to "auto-populate"
the Description, Units, and Price fields of my form (or write these records
to the appropriate table).

I've tried using the above DLookup code but I get a data type mismatch error.

Where am I going wrong?


SORCode : Text
Description : Text
Units : Text
Price : Currency


SORCode : Text
Description: Text
Quantity : Number
Units : Text
Price : Currency

Ofer Cohen

First use IsNull instead of = Null


If IsNull(Me![SORCode]) Then
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = '" & Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")

End If

Because the SORCode is a text type field you need to add a single (') before
and after, without it, it will treat it as number

Ofer Cohen

Try ths SQL

UPDATE TableName INNER JOIN ScheduleOfRates ON TableName.SORCodes =
ScheduleOfRates.SORCodes SET TableName.[descriptions] =
WHERE (TableName.descriptions) Is Null

You can do the same with the rest of the fields

Though, why do you save this values, it's better to display the values using
a select query instead of updating the exisiting fields, linking the two
What happen when the description in table ScheduleOfRates changes, do you
need to update the other table?

Good Luck

David M C said:
Great, thanks, got it working.

One more question. With my tanle design change, in WorksDetail I now have a
lot of SORCodes without the descriptions, units etc. How can I cycle through
every record doing a DLookup and updating the appropriate fields (the fields
I'm updating automatically in the form? I'm sure it's a simple VBA procedure
but I haven't quite got the hang of recordsets etc.



Ofer Cohen said:
First use IsNull instead of = Null


If IsNull(Me![SORCode]) Then
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = '" & Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")

End If

Because the SORCode is a text type field you need to add a single (') before
and after, without it, it will treat it as number
Good Luck

David M C said:
Private Sub SORCode_AfterUpdate()

If Me![SORCode] = Null Then
'Do Nothing
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = " & Me![SORCode])
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
End If


End Sub

I have a table, WorksDetail and a table ScheduleOfRates. My form puts
records into the WorksDetail table. For about 25% of the records, we use what
is known as the Schedule of Rates, which is an industry standard system of
pricing. When one of these codes is entered, I'm trying to "auto-populate"
the Description, Units, and Price fields of my form (or write these records
to the appropriate table).

I've tried using the above DLookup code but I get a data type mismatch error.

Where am I going wrong?


SORCode : Text
Description : Text
Units : Text
Price : Currency


SORCode : Text
Description: Text
Quantity : Number
Units : Text
Price : Currency

David M C

Great, thanks, got it working.

One more question. With my tanle design change, in WorksDetail I now have a
lot of SORCodes without the descriptions, units etc. How can I cycle through
every record doing a DLookup and updating the appropriate fields (the fields
I'm updating automatically in the form? I'm sure it's a simple VBA procedure
but I haven't quite got the hang of recordsets etc.



Ofer Cohen said:
First use IsNull instead of = Null


If IsNull(Me![SORCode]) Then
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = '" & Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")

End If

Because the SORCode is a text type field you need to add a single (') before
and after, without it, it will treat it as number
Good Luck

David M C said:
Private Sub SORCode_AfterUpdate()

If Me![SORCode] = Null Then
'Do Nothing
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = " & Me![SORCode])
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
End If


End Sub

I have a table, WorksDetail and a table ScheduleOfRates. My form puts
records into the WorksDetail table. For about 25% of the records, we use what
is known as the Schedule of Rates, which is an industry standard system of
pricing. When one of these codes is entered, I'm trying to "auto-populate"
the Description, Units, and Price fields of my form (or write these records
to the appropriate table).

I've tried using the above DLookup code but I get a data type mismatch error.

Where am I going wrong?


SORCode : Text
Description : Text
Units : Text
Price : Currency


SORCode : Text
Description: Text
Quantity : Number
Units : Text
Price : Currency

Ofer Cohen

Please Back up your data before you try anything

Good Luck

David M C said:
Great, thanks, got it working.

One more question. With my tanle design change, in WorksDetail I now have a
lot of SORCodes without the descriptions, units etc. How can I cycle through
every record doing a DLookup and updating the appropriate fields (the fields
I'm updating automatically in the form? I'm sure it's a simple VBA procedure
but I haven't quite got the hang of recordsets etc.



Ofer Cohen said:
First use IsNull instead of = Null


If IsNull(Me![SORCode]) Then
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = '" & Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")

End If

Because the SORCode is a text type field you need to add a single (') before
and after, without it, it will treat it as number
Good Luck

David M C said:
Private Sub SORCode_AfterUpdate()

If Me![SORCode] = Null Then
'Do Nothing
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = " & Me![SORCode])
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
End If


End Sub

I have a table, WorksDetail and a table ScheduleOfRates. My form puts
records into the WorksDetail table. For about 25% of the records, we use what
is known as the Schedule of Rates, which is an industry standard system of
pricing. When one of these codes is entered, I'm trying to "auto-populate"
the Description, Units, and Price fields of my form (or write these records
to the appropriate table).

I've tried using the above DLookup code but I get a data type mismatch error.

Where am I going wrong?


SORCode : Text
Description : Text
Units : Text
Price : Currency


SORCode : Text
Description: Text
Quantity : Number
Units : Text
Price : Currency

David M C

Our company does response maintenance work. Our first client sent response
works over using the Schedule Of Rates (a predetermined code for a specific
task, Gas safety check for instance). We now have 3 or 4 more clients, none
of whom use the Schedule of Rates.

When I first set it up, all the user had to do to enter the works detail was
put in the SORCode. The form would then display the appropriate Description
etc using a query. However, with these new clients, the user needs to be able
to enter their own descriptions of the works to be carried out. I needed a
way to allow the use of the Schedule of Rates AND users own descriptions. If
the rates change, we still need the old records to display the correct
information. This was the only way I could think to go about it.

Ofer Cohen said:
Try ths SQL

UPDATE TableName INNER JOIN ScheduleOfRates ON TableName.SORCodes =
ScheduleOfRates.SORCodes SET TableName.[descriptions] =
WHERE (TableName.descriptions) Is Null

You can do the same with the rest of the fields

Though, why do you save this values, it's better to display the values using
a select query instead of updating the exisiting fields, linking the two
What happen when the description in table ScheduleOfRates changes, do you
need to update the other table?

Good Luck

David M C said:
Great, thanks, got it working.

One more question. With my tanle design change, in WorksDetail I now have a
lot of SORCodes without the descriptions, units etc. How can I cycle through
every record doing a DLookup and updating the appropriate fields (the fields
I'm updating automatically in the form? I'm sure it's a simple VBA procedure
but I haven't quite got the hang of recordsets etc.



Ofer Cohen said:
First use IsNull instead of = Null


If IsNull(Me![SORCode]) Then
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = '" & Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = '" &
Me![SORCode] & "'")

End If

Because the SORCode is a text type field you need to add a single (') before
and after, without it, it will treat it as number
Good Luck


Private Sub SORCode_AfterUpdate()

If Me![SORCode] = Null Then
'Do Nothing
Me![Description] = DLookup("[Description]", "ScheduleOfRates",
"[SORCode] = " & Me![SORCode])
Me![Units] = DLookup("[Units]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
Me![Price] = DLookup("[Price]", "ScheduleOfRates", "[SORCode] = " &
End If


End Sub

I have a table, WorksDetail and a table ScheduleOfRates. My form puts
records into the WorksDetail table. For about 25% of the records, we use what
is known as the Schedule of Rates, which is an industry standard system of
pricing. When one of these codes is entered, I'm trying to "auto-populate"
the Description, Units, and Price fields of my form (or write these records
to the appropriate table).

I've tried using the above DLookup code but I get a data type mismatch error.

Where am I going wrong?


SORCode : Text
Description : Text
Units : Text
Price : Currency


SORCode : Text
Description: Text
Quantity : Number
Units : Text
Price : Currency

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