


I am trying to open up a form based on a table and restricting the records to a field on the main form.

Ex. main form has a drop down combo box based on company names in company table, once you choose the company the company form opens up filtered or restricted to just the companies chosen on the main form drop down..trying to use dlookup thinking thats the way to go using a macro open form.. but having problems..please help

Ken Snell

Use the WHERE argument of the OpenForm action instead.


Ken Snell

at100 said:
I am trying to open up a form based on a table and restricting the records to a field on the main form..

Ex. main form has a drop down combo box based on company names in company
table, once you choose the company the company form opens up filtered or
restricted to just the companies chosen on the main form drop down..trying
to use dlookup thinking thats the way to go using a macro open form.. but
having problems..please help

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