dmax for poss. multiple records in embedded continuous subform




Have had a good look around the forums and cannot seem to find an answer to
the following, any help greatly appreciated...

I have a form that has a continuous subform "embedded" in it showing
candidates related to a role. I need some code that changes a status field on
the master form dependant on what status the candidates have in the subform,
ie role status is "role filled" if out of the various candidates related
status's one of them shows "complete". I have already setup an automatically
populating field called "candidate status number" with a range of 1 to 9, 9
being the highest or "complete".

I do need a few other conditions around the forms, is so much as when only
one candidate attached, the role status mirrors the candidate status (this
will have to look up a value as role status's do not match candidate status's
ie Candidate "Complete" = "Role filled"). Also no calculation is required
when the "multi role" tickbox underlying field is -1 in the master form - the
role status is simply to show "Multi Role" regardless.

I realise i am asking a lot and while my Access skills are not too bad,
please keep your answers simple!.

Very many thanks in advance,


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