
What is the formula to convert Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (33°42'22.37"N) to
Decimal Degrees (33.706214°)?


One way to read your question is how to do it mathematically - the quic
answer for that is

degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600)

In terms of how to work with DMS in Excel, another thread that include
link John mentioned is at

'Format to Degrees, Minutes, Seconds - MrExcel Message Board

It probably makes a difference if you are dealing with longitude an
latitude or if you are working in the engineering realm where degree
can be from 0 to 359..

Andres Pineda

One way to read your question is how to do it mathematically - the quick
answer for that is

degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600)

In terms of how to work with DMS in Excel, another thread that includes
link John mentioned is at

'Format to Degrees, Minutes, Seconds - MrExcel Message Board'

It probably makes a difference if you are dealing with longitude and
latitude or if you are working in the engineering realm where degrees
can be from 0 to 359...

Thank you too!

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