Tommy Desperate
I posted a question to a specific problem once before and got an answer from
R. Symonds that solved my problem. This question is more general. Do I need
to place the DOCTYPE code in the head of each web page?
An article by J. Zeldman, "Fix Your Site with the Right DOCTYPE," says,
"DOCTYPES are also essential to the proper rendering and functioning of web
documents in compliant browsers like Mozilla, IE5/Mac, and IE6/Win."
I have two questions: (1) How do I find the doctype of my website -
www.hairloss-reversible.com? and (2) Is the insertion of this code really
important, for example, if I want to validate my HTML code?
One more point. In the Code Snippets dialogue box of my FrontPage 2003
program there are two default snippets - dt2 and dt3. The dt2 snippet is -
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> Could this be the proper
code for my site? The dt3 snippet is similar.
R. Symonds that solved my problem. This question is more general. Do I need
to place the DOCTYPE code in the head of each web page?
An article by J. Zeldman, "Fix Your Site with the Right DOCTYPE," says,
"DOCTYPES are also essential to the proper rendering and functioning of web
documents in compliant browsers like Mozilla, IE5/Mac, and IE6/Win."
I have two questions: (1) How do I find the doctype of my website -
www.hairloss-reversible.com? and (2) Is the insertion of this code really
important, for example, if I want to validate my HTML code?
One more point. In the Code Snippets dialogue box of my FrontPage 2003
program there are two default snippets - dt2 and dt3. The dt2 snippet is -
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> Could this be the proper
code for my site? The dt3 snippet is similar.