Do I need to pause this script?


Jeff C

This database is set up so that when I open it up, a form loads that has
about 12 sequenced events that run one after the other to update the data
every day.

I want to run the following script:

Option Explicit

Dim oJet 'As DAO.DBEngine
Dim oDB 'As DAO.Database

Const DB_NAME = "FullPathToDatabase.mdb"

Set oJet = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
Set oDB = oJet.OpenDatabase(DB_NAME)


Is there anything I need to use to pause between the Opendatabase and
oDB.Close to allow the events enough time to run? Are there any opinions
about doing this?

Thank you

Roger Carlson

If you intend for this to open the other Access application, open a form,
and run events, you'll be disappointed. OpenDatabase ONLY opens the
database, not the Access database application. There is a difference. In
order to do what you want, you could use the Shell command to open the
Access database file with the /x switch. This will execute a macro which
could contain all your commands or just run a function that executes all
your command. Then at the bottom of you code, (in the remote database) you
close the application.

Something like this:
Set db = CurrentDb

Filename = "\RemoteMacro.mdb"
ExecutionMacro = " /xAutoRun"
'the directory where the application lives
Directory = getpath(db.Name)
'finds where Access itself lives
AppPath = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MSACCESS.EXE"
'MsgBox AppPath & " " & Directory & Filename
htask = Shell(AppPath & " " & Directory & Filename & ExecutionMacro, 1)

This code will open the external database, excuting the AutoRun macro. This
macro calls some code then quits.

On my website (, is a small Access database
sample called "RunRemoteMacro.mdb" which illustrates how to do this.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples:
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Jeff C

Thank you Roger, I'll look at your example and try to get this working, I'll
post back with questions. I appreciate your help.
Jeff C
Live Well .. Be Happy In All You Do

Roger Carlson said:
If you intend for this to open the other Access application, open a form,
and run events, you'll be disappointed. OpenDatabase ONLY opens the
database, not the Access database application. There is a difference. In
order to do what you want, you could use the Shell command to open the
Access database file with the /x switch. This will execute a macro which
could contain all your commands or just run a function that executes all
your command. Then at the bottom of you code, (in the remote database) you
close the application.

Something like this:
Set db = CurrentDb

Filename = "\RemoteMacro.mdb"
ExecutionMacro = " /xAutoRun"
'the directory where the application lives
Directory = getpath(db.Name)
'finds where Access itself lives
AppPath = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "MSACCESS.EXE"
'MsgBox AppPath & " " & Directory & Filename
htask = Shell(AppPath & " " & Directory & Filename & ExecutionMacro, 1)

This code will open the external database, excuting the AutoRun macro. This
macro calls some code then quits.

On my website (, is a small Access database
sample called "RunRemoteMacro.mdb" which illustrates how to do this.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples:
Want answers to your Access questions in your Email?
Free subscription:


you don't need to pause it

but you do need to change it to ADO

I mean get with the times kids

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