Could it be possible I have to use particular machines assigned by my
IT department or build a web service?
It could be possbile. So, if certain types of traffic or ports are blocked,
then that web service, sql server, MSN chat or whatever might simply be
blocked. Does you company use any software system (like an accoutning
system) that is based on sql server now?
I did try to hook up the front end to sql server some time ago and it
didn't work...It kept giving the user a message stating that a
connection to my machine had failed...
Well, then either your setup was incorrect, you did not have correct
permissions to sql server, or perhaps the connection was blocked.
There are several versions of SQL server that is free, so you can download
and install sql server on your machine to try this out.
In many cases you have to distinguish between your "lan" and a "wan". I talk
about ways you can connect your access application to shared data over a
"wan" here:
The above aritcle should give you some ideas for conneciton options...