Do I publish the index.dwt file?



Just about to publish my first website - do I need to select the index.dwt
file for publishing too, as it only has the template info on it - it is not
to be viewed. My home page is called home.htm.
Thanks for any help with this.


In my opinion you should publish all files, including the DWT. This
provides an additional backup if your local web goes wrong.

Check with your host for the name of your home page. The home page must be
named as per your hosts instructions, and home.htm is unusual (but may not
be wrong). The usual names for a home page are index or default with
extensions from (.htm,.html,.asp,.aspx) depending on the server setup and
page content.

If you choose to publish all files from within FrontPage there is no need to
select any.
Use File->Publish Web (Publish Site in FP2003)
Then type in (or choose from the dialogue) the URL for your web site.

FrontPage will publish all the pages that need to be published.
Instructions vary according to the version of FrontPage in use. Use the
Help menu for exact methods.


Thanks Ron - I will give it a go now!

Ronx said:
In my opinion you should publish all files, including the DWT. This
provides an additional backup if your local web goes wrong.

Check with your host for the name of your home page. The home page must be
named as per your hosts instructions, and home.htm is unusual (but may not
be wrong). The usual names for a home page are index or default with
extensions from (.htm,.html,.asp,.aspx) depending on the server setup and
page content.

If you choose to publish all files from within FrontPage there is no need to
select any.
Use File->Publish Web (Publish Site in FP2003)
Then type in (or choose from the dialogue) the URL for your web site.

FrontPage will publish all the pages that need to be published.
Instructions vary according to the version of FrontPage in use. Use the
Help menu for exact methods.

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