Do Loops



Hello all,

I have the following data and would like to expand it:
Product Description Line Batches Start Finish

A AAA L1 7 7:00

I like the macro to blow this information into the following schedule:

A AAA L1 3 7:00 8:30
A AAA L1 3 8:00 10:30
A AAA L1 1 10:00 12:00
Changeover 12:00 12:20
B BBB L1 3 12:20 14:20

AND SO ON .....

The macro needs to be smart enough to split the number of batches into 3's
and copy the formulas down, inserts a changeover after each product and go
grab the next product until the last product on the schedule.

Any help would be greatly apprecited.


Barb Reinhardt

Your question doesn't provide all the information necessary to do what you

1) How do you know how many batches of a product are to be run? I'm
thinking that you have 3 lots that are run together, but it's not clear from
the posting.
2) How long is a run for each product?
3) Why do you need to split information every three runs? (3 lots per run?)

Barb Reinhardt


Hey Barb, I don't see the formulas either. Hard to copy something that is
not there. Or does one of the cells in one of the columns contain formulas
to copy down? There is a lot of unexplained stuff here.


Thank you both. The number of batches will vary per product and can be
entered in the raw schedule listed below. However they're grouped in 3's.
Meaning that an 8 batch run would be broken as 3, 3, and 2. The formula
calculates how long it would take to run 3 batches, 3 batches (same as
previous 3) and 2 batches. Then, it will add run time in minutes to Start
Time and come up with Finish Time.

The formula for Start and Finish times are in the Raw schedule and uses
information from another sheet in the same workbook.

This is a batching system where first stage production takes place in single
batches and packaging happens in lots of 3s.

If more info is needed, I can provide you a copy of both Raw and detailed

Appreciate all the help.

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