I had the same problem.
The only solution to "force" the users to enable the
macros is the following:
1) create a protected section (or use an existing
protected section) on the top of the first page of the
2) unprotect the document
3) create a text box that entirely recover the first page
of the document (assuming you are in "Page Layout" view")
and check the text box is linked to the protected section
4) fill it with a dark color
5) write a text in the text box (in white, for
example): "Please Close the document and Re-open it,
choosing 'Enable Macros'"
6) reprotect the document: now, each time you open the
document, the text box will prevent the users to use the
first page (they do not know it is only the first page
that is blocked)
7) create the following macro:
Sub SetWarningTextBox(bVisible As Boolean)
ActiveDocument.Shapes(1).Visible = bVisible
End Sub
(UnProtectActiveDoc and ProtectActiveDoc are macros that
unprotect and protect the active document document - they
are easy to program)
8) create the AutoOpen macro (or add the following code if
it exists):
Sub AutoOpen
SetWarningTextBox bVisible:=false
End Sub
9) create the FileSave and FileSaveAs macros:
Sub FileSave
SetWarningTextBox bVisible:=true
SetWarningTextBox bVisible:=false
ActiveDocument.Saved = true
End Sub
Sub FileSaveAs
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
If .Display = -1 Then
SetWarningTextBox bVisible:=true
SetWarningTextBox bVisible:=false
ActiveDocument.Saved = true
End If
End Sub
10) Now, each time the users open the document enabling
macros, the autoopen macro will hide the text box. But
each time they save the document, the FileSave and
FileSaveAs macros will show the text box just before
saving, and then hide it just after.
Hoping this helps,