Do Not Print Blank Sheet

  • Thread starter RST Engineering \(jw\)
  • Start date

RST Engineering \(jw\)

We are a very small division of a huge organization. The huge folks have a
monthly expense report that makes no sense for our division, so I am
attempting to mimic their Excel workbook but with expense items that make
sense for our division.

I have done the spreadsheet and it works out well. Each day is a separate
sheet and then there is a master tally sheet that takes expenses from each
day and adds them up for a monthly reimbursement total. 34 sheets in total
including 31 day sheets, a tally sheet, an itinerary sheet, and a personal
data sheet (name, division, month, year, etc.)

However, most of our members only have expenses for a few days during the
month. We are wasting a LOT of paper printing out sheets that have no

My thought is to take the daily total, and if it is zero then format an
unused cell to have a special character IF the day's total is zero or
another special character IF the day's total is not zero. For example, if
we do an IF command in a heretofore unused cell (say, F52) and examine the
days total and put a N (NO print) if the total is zero or a P (Print) if the
total is not zero.

Now the problem comes. How do you tell Excel DON'T PRINT this page if F52
is N but print this page if F52 is P?

ANybody got a quick and dirty way to do this? Remember, most of the members
of this division are technotards and have trouble finding the "on" switch.
Any command to do this has to be nearly foolproof, providing we don't hire
smarter fools.


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