do not see notifications of my replies incopies of MUD on multiple computers



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I use an Exchange server for my major email account at my job. I also have several POP accounts with my ISP. I run Entourage2004 on 3 different Macs (MacBook OS10.5.6, MacBookPro OS10.4.11, & iMac OS10.4.11), depending on my location during the day. All seems to work OK with the Exchange (mail, calendars, and meeting notifications) and POP accounts.

I use a third-party backup and synch program (Synchronize! Pro X) to backup the most recent MUD (Microsoft User Data) to transport any changes in the MUD folder on one Mac to another Mac (I use an external firewire hard drive for transport between the 3 computers).

When I do this I make sure that all Microsoft programs are not running prior to making the backup and that the Microsoft Database is not running (I delete it from my Login Items whenever I shut down each computer) so I can copy the MUD from the previous Mac to the current Mac before I begin work on the current Mac.

I was hoping that by doing this I would retain notations of the form: "this is a reply to one of your messages. Show Original" or You replied to this message on --/--/--. Show Reply" on the 3 different computers but that does not seem to happen. What am I doing wrong, or not doing?

Is it possible to totally replicate Entourage from one Mac to another, including these notifications?

Thank you for any assistance.


I have since discovered what was going wrong -- Entourage was opening up in one of my "backup" Identities on a second Mac and thus not showing the notifications created within Entourage while I was in the 'Main Identity' on the first Mac. I have now told Entourage to always display the 'pick Identity' window on start-up, so I can ensure I'm working within the 'Main Identity'.

The problem wasn't with Entourage or the Mac OS, but with me.

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