Do these forums work any more?



I'm using the MS support web site to access these forums, and lately it has
been very slow at best and not responding at worst. Is it just me?


dlw said:
I'm using the MS support web site to access these forums, and lately it
been very slow at best and not responding at worst. Is it just me?

Then try using a proper news reader instead. What you are accessing are NOT
"forums", you are using a horrible web interface to access Usenet news

Roady [MVP]

This newsgroup is anything but deserted. Try using a newsreader like OE to
access this newsgroup;
news server:
newsgroup: microsoft.public.outlook.general

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

Brian Tillman

dlw said:
I'm using the MS support web site to access these forums, and lately
it has been very slow at best and not responding at worst. Is it
just me?

It's just you. On average, more than two hundred new messages get posted
daily in this newsgroup alone.

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