Do you want to Save Changes? -- Did not make any changes!




Some documents when closed after reading, just close.
Others bring up the
Do you want to save the changes to xxx.doc?
dialog box even if no changes where made.

What determines this different per-document behavior?
How do I "fix" a document to make close silently?


It's possible that you have an updating date field or some other field that
updates upon opening and that is why you're being prompted to save changes.
I hope this has been helpful to you.


No, thats not it. Based on your suggestion, I kept deleting parts of a
misbehaving document unitl all that was left was one cell of a table with
some text and some hperlinks to books marks in other documents. That mimimal
document still prompts for save. But if I delete some of the plain text and
save, then the new document (with the same hyperlinks) behaves just fine (ie:
close without save promt). I know the change was just palin text becuse I
looked with View: field codes, bookmarks, hidden text, and show all, all
turned on.


It certainly sounds like something in your document is changing based on your
hyperlinks and bookmarks but it's impossible for me to tell without seeing
it. I'm sorry that I wasn't more helpful to you.

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