.doc and .xls files not registered file types and won't open



Recently installed full Microsoft Office 2003 Pro. While more advanced
Microsoft file types display as registeered and open normally, basic .doc,
..xls, and .ppt files are not registered and don't open automatically from
Explorer. Seems as if something is missing from install?

Beth Melton

Try recreating the file associations using the following commands from

winword /r
excel /regserver
powerpnt /regserver

Note the space before the forward slash.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/


This solved the problem! Thanks!!!!

Beth Melton said:
Try recreating the file associations using the following commands from

winword /r
excel /regserver
powerpnt /regserver

Note the space before the forward slash.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

Anne Troy

Okay, darnit. I'm stealing it, Beth. I never use these, I usually use the
right-click thang. I'm adding your switches to my article. :) Thanks!
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy

Beth Melton

Since you are updating your article...<grin> the /regserver switch is
different than the "Open with" command.

The /regserver switch will re-register the application which will
recreate all of the application specific Registry entries and it also
recreates the file associations. Since the "Open with" command uses
the file associations you'll still encounter errors if the file
associations are damaged or corrupt. (This is fairly easy to test by
'breaking' a file association.)

I noted the command for Access wasn't included, it is:

msaccess /regserver

btw, I *do* appreciate you acknowledging me in your article. :)

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

Anne Troy

Done, girl! :) There's dozens of people credited throughout my articles. I
couldn't do it alone, that's for sure!
Thanks a bunch!!! I really appreciate it. You might also want to see
www.officearticles.com/downloads/cookbook.dot THANK YOU FOR THAT, too. I'm
an idiot, you know. I just never thunk it to use a toolbar button to run an
autotext entry. I have been creating macros and running macros to insert
autotext entries. Now, do you agree? Am I an idiot or what? Some things take
time... hee hee.
Anne Troy

Beth Melton

I don't think you're an idiot at all! That's what the newsgroups are
all about - share what you know and learn what you don't. Just glad to
hear you picked up a tip about AutoText entries. :) .

I have a lot of respect for those who believe in acknowledging others
and understand it takes a collective knowledge. What I find
disappointing is when others grab information they see/learn in the
newsgroups and claim it as their own. :-(

Keep up the good work!

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

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