"Doc Map listing things it shouldn't"


Luís Silva

Back to year 2005 ïŠ I found in the newsgroups the following about Word 2003:

There is a known issue with the Document Map which causes it to add outline
levels as direct formatting to any text that looks like headings. You can
press CTRL+Q to remove the direct paragraph formatting. But in the long run,
it is probably wiser to use Outline View instead of the Document Map.

I'm writing a very long book with Word 2007 and I have the same problem.
CTRL+Q appears to solve my Document Map problem, however every time I save
and close the document I have the same problem. Any idea ?


Terry Farrell

The key (and this was a bit surprise to many of us when we found out) is
that the DocMap triggers AutoFormat: so if you have a correctly formatted
document, then DocMap does exactly what you expect it to do.

However, if you have been naughty and used direct formatting <g> the
AutoFormat takes a guess at certain direct formatting and may interpret them
as being a heading.

So the answer is to use styles and minimise direct formatting. Also go into
the AUtoFormat options and deselect those that you don't need which may also
stop most of the AUtoFormat malarkey.

Luís Silva


Unfortunately I'm using styles for everything and no direct formating. Is
there any way to find out if I've direct formating in the document ?

Luís Silva

Terry Farrell

Open the DocMap and then identify something that should not be there and
click on it to move the focus to that point. First check that the style of
the item is correct and not a heading or something that should be displayed
in the DocMap. If it is correct, select the item and use Ctrl+Spacebar (the
Reset Character command) and see if it changes. If not, use Ctrl+Q (the
Reset Para command).


Klaus Linke

[...] identify something that should not be there

....including empty paragraphs, which should be avoided in well-formatted documents, and which DocumentMap's AutoFormat might take as hints for intended headings.
But short, bold lines that don't end in punctuation may trigger a change in any case, and there's probably nothing that can be done about it...

Daiya Mitchell has written an article including a macro of mine, that allows you to fix the problem without resetting all paragraph formatting (Ctrl+Q):


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