Doc. Page No. vs Sec. Page No.


Jim Dahlstrom

Thanks to all that reply.

Using Word 2002 in Windows 2000/Office Xp.

I have a document with numerous sections and need to display page numbers in
the header and footer as follows:

Header "Doc. Page X of XX"
Footer "Sec. Page Y of YY"

X = specific page no. of entire doc., XX = Total pages in doc.
Y = specific page no. of the section, YY = Total pages of the section

I can get X (field code: { PAGE }), XX (field code: { NUMPAGES },
YY (field code: { SECTIONPAGES \# "0" \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT }

How do I define a Y that will provide the specific page number of a section
that will not affect X?

Charles Kenyon

I would suggest bookmarking the YY of any previous sections and doing a
calculation field. For instance, name the YY field in the section1 footer as
Sect1Pages and in the section2 footer as Sect2Pages and use the following in
section 3 for your page number:

{ = {Page} - Sect1Pages - Sect2Pages }

Take a look at

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Conversely, you can restart numbering in each section (so that the { PAGE }
field becomes Y) and use a calculated field for X (adding up the bookmarked
page numbers of the previous sections).

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