DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuV



reffereing to the idea that I found in the following website

My form is used to enter some mortage Loan application information. (source
of this form is tblAcctInfor) The combobox AcctDescrAvailable( which means is
the account description address available) has values Yes, No, and Unknown.
If a user selects no then a popup box(frmAcctDescInput) pops up for the user
to enter the loan address information and when it closes the information in
table tblAcctInfor is updated.

(tblAcctInfor has the Applicants address information the mortgage Loan
address information, AcctDescrAvailable, AcctDecision among other fields. )

My form has an event procedure in the beforeUpdate as seen below... I have a
combobox on the same main form that has afterUpdate event. the thing is that
when I select the AcctDescrAvailable combox to select Yes/No, I have popup
that says select an account name which comes from the form's beforeupdate
procedure. So I press ok then then the runtime error 2501, the Domenuitem
action was cancelled.
If ypu press debug it points to the
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acPaste, , acMenuVer70
Which is in the afterupdate procedure of that combobox ...

Any Help with this would be highly appreaciated....

***************beforeUpdate Procedure******************
If Me!AcctDecision.Column(1) = "Pending" Then
Debug.Print "Pending"
If IsNull(Me!AcctCode) Then
Debug.Print "AcctCode is null. Cancelling."
Cancel = True
strControl = strControl & "Select an Account Name" & vbCrLf
End If
End If

Private Sub AcctDescrAvailable_AfterUpdate()
Dim strARG As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim DocName As String
Dim LinkCriteria As String
Dim Response As Integer
Dim Cancel As Boolean

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

If AcctDescrAvailable.Value = "No" Then
strARG = _
"Account Information, SELECT MailAddressLine1 as
AcctAddrLine1,MailAddressLine2 as AcctAddrLine2, propCity as AcctCity,
MailState as AcctState,MailZipCode as AcctZipCode FROM tblAcctInfor where
[AcctID] = " & AcctID & ";"
DocName = "frmAcctDescInput"
DoCmd.OpenForm DocName, , , LinkCriteria, , , strARG
strSQL = "UPDATE tblAcctInfor SET MailAddressLine1, MailAddressLine2,
MailCity, MailState, MailZipCode= null where [AcctID] =" & AcctID & ";"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
End If

End Sub

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