I created a macro with the docmd: goto new record. I call the macro
"OPENFORM". I use this macro in the Open Form property of data-entry
forms I create. This allows the users to open a form and
automatically begin entering new data. I use this macro in forms and
sub-forms. The problem I'm having now is that when the mainform is
opened - the subform is no longer going to the newrecord. However,
when opened alone - the subform does goto the newrecord. I have also
tried hard coding the DOCmD code into the open form property of the
subforms and get the same result. I created a button with the code so
users can click the button to get to the new record eaisly - but they
liked it before when it just worked. I thought it was because I was
using the tab option with four tabs and so I changed my tabs back to
forms/subforms. Didn't fix it. I just upgraded to Access 2004 and
wondered if this could have anything to do with it. Any suggestions?
"OPENFORM". I use this macro in the Open Form property of data-entry
forms I create. This allows the users to open a form and
automatically begin entering new data. I use this macro in forms and
sub-forms. The problem I'm having now is that when the mainform is
opened - the subform is no longer going to the newrecord. However,
when opened alone - the subform does goto the newrecord. I have also
tried hard coding the DOCmD code into the open form property of the
subforms and get the same result. I created a button with the code so
users can click the button to get to the new record eaisly - but they
liked it before when it just worked. I thought it was because I was
using the tab option with four tabs and so I changed my tabs back to
forms/subforms. Didn't fix it. I just upgraded to Access 2004 and
wondered if this could have anything to do with it. Any suggestions?