DoCmd.Maximize results in Access covering Windows task bar!



Hi All

I have some forms that I want shown maximised. So I placed this code
in the Form_Load event:


This does the job but the Access window now covers the Windows task
bar! This is going to confuse my users enormously!

How can I get a form to maximise but NOT cover the Windows task bar?


Lutz Uhlmann

This does the job but the Access window now covers the Windows task
bar! This is going to confuse my users enormously!

How can I get a form to maximise but NOT cover the Windows task bar?

I think its something about PopUp, Modal or BorderStyle. Try it with
changing there values.


I think its something about PopUp, Modal or BorderStyle. Try it with
changing there values.

Thanks for the hint Lutz but I still cannot avoid the problem after
trying all the possible permutations......


Jeanette Cunningham

Hi Chrisso
I just tried this and I can only reproduce the effect when the pop up
property is set to yes.
It covered the entire screen, nothing else at all was visible, not even the
The form wouldn't close using Alt F4 or Ctl F4.
I didn't put a close button on it, so had to Ctl Alt Del the database.

Maybe you are opening the form in dialog mode - acDialog in the open form

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia

I think its something about PopUp, Modal or BorderStyle. Try it with
changing there values.

Thanks for the hint Lutz but I still cannot avoid the problem after
trying all the possible permutations......



Thanks Jeanette - sorry I missed this follow up post.

I think you might be right - will test and get back to this thread.

Thanks so much.

Jeanette Cunningham

The other interesting thing is that if you have the inbuilt close button (x)
set to yes, this problem seems to go away.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia

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