Document Borders


Skip Bisconer

When I have set borders for my document on my Dell desktop
computer at home they print fine. When I go to my Word
class and apply borders to my document they will not
print. The class computer is an IBM laptop. I have tried
changing margins but nothing seems to fix it. What am I

Kate G.

The printing of page borders (I'm assuming that is what you are referring
to) -- is not determined by MS Word as much as it is by the printer and the
print drivers. Be sure you have current print drivers for the machine(s)
you are using. In a classroom environment, it is very likely that the print
drivers are out-of-date.

You can play with various settings to enhance the printing ... Format -->
Borders & Shading --> Page Borders --> Options.

One of the MVP's has an information sheet about this -- I'm sure he/she will
post soon!

If you are not referring to page borders -- please repost with more


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