Document expiration problem for separate users




I am using office automation apis to apply RMS protection.
I want to set the different expiration date for different users.
i am using following code

DateTime dtExpireDate = new DateTime(2008, 10, 8);
Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoPermission per =
DateTime dtExpireDate1 = new DateTime(2008, 11, 8);
Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoPermission per1 =

oWordDoc.Permission.Add("", per, dtExpireDate);
oWordDoc.Permission.Add("", per1, dtExpireDate1);
and then i save the document.

But when both users check that document, then same expiration date
of( 2008, 10, 8); is peresent.

How can i set the the separate expiration date for sepate users for
the same document.
Please hepl me in this.

Thanks and Regards,

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