Here's a macro that overcomes this tricky problem. It keeps all
formatting when pasting text into a document in which Normal style has a
different font. Select the text that you want to paste into another
document and run the macro. The macro applies the font of the first
character of each paragraph in the selection back onto the whole
paragraph. It then copies the selection, then undoes the change so that
the original text remains exactly as it was. Then you simply paste the
contents of the clipboard into the other document, and it keeps its
formatting, regardless of whether it originally had formatting on top of
the style of not. So, if the destination document has Normal style as
Arial, and the source document as Normal style as Courier, when you
paste the text into the destination document will appear as Courier.
(This is probably not the most orthodox way of doing this because it
involves applying font formatting on top of styles. However, for
occasional needs, you may find it comes in handy.)
Sub ReapplyFontToSelectedParasAndCopy()
' by Larry
If MsgBox("Reapply font to each selected paragraph " & vbCr _
& "and copy selection.", vbOKCancel, "Reapply Font") = vbOK Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
X = Selection.Paragraphs.Count
Dim myFontName As String
Dim myPara As Paragraph
For Each myPara In Selection.Paragraphs
myFontName = myPara.Range.Characters(1).Font.Name
myPara.Range.Font.Name = myFontName
Next myPara
ActiveDocument.Undo X
Selection.Collapse wdCollapseStart
System.Cursor = wdCursorIBeam
End If
End Sub