Document Generation based on form



I'm new to Infopath...but I'm trying to find out if this is the right product
for my problem. My police department needs to create search warrants. They
currently do this using an old Corel macro that asks the users a series of
questions, and based on their responses builds a document.

How can I do something similar in Infopath, as I really want to get out of
the Corel Wordperfect environment? Should this just be done in a Word Macro?

Thank you,

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Although you can build that kind of logic in InfoPath (without writing any
code if the forms are simple enough) and then even save the filled-out forms
on disk for archiving and trackback purposes, you will be more challenged
when it comes to printing out the filled-out forms. If you're using InfoPath
2007 client (so not filling out forms via the web), you can use a free PDF
add-in that will allow you to print the forms to PDF, which will require no
coding. But if you want to print the forms to e.g. Word, you'll have a
tougher time writing code to get this done. For a few links on the subject of
printing to Word and PDF, see

Have you already posted your question in the Word newsgroup? I'm sure the
Word experts over there will be able to tell you more about macros or using
VSTO with Word.

Hope this helps.

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