I am currently developing my first web site but I ran into a problem I can
not locate a resolution to. I am trying to create a hyper link to a Word and
Excel doc I have stored in my computer. I have been able to link pdf docs
which work but need these others to work as well. In the text I have
highlighted, right click, hyerlink and choose the doc. However, when I
preview the site these 2 links do not work. What do I need to do so I can add
not locate a resolution to. I am trying to create a hyper link to a Word and
Excel doc I have stored in my computer. I have been able to link pdf docs
which work but need these others to work as well. In the text I have
highlighted, right click, hyerlink and choose the doc. However, when I
preview the site these 2 links do not work. What do I need to do so I can add