document links stopped to work



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

since a recent update of Excel document links stopped to work. I still can enter/edit links but trying to open them leads to an error message...

Any workarounds known?


I'm afraid you don't give any of the information needed to help you resolve
the issue.

What "recent update" ‹ Specifically?

What kind of links? Hyperlinks? OLE Links? Formula links?...??? What are the
links pointing to? If external to the file, what & where are the targets?

What does the error message state ‹ word for word?

Have you repaired disk permissions since updating? Have you moved/deleted
any files or folders?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I mean links to files. Excel says that the "selected file cannot be opened" (translated from german localized app).
I checked permissions - did not find errors.
Funny is that this seems to be XLS file specific. If I do a new XLS and link a cell to a file (pdf e.g.) this works. If I use my working file it does not work (but used to work previously - therefore I assumed an update of XLS app to be the problem)...

Rgrd, Thomas


what I though find quite annoing is that all the time selecting a document just puts the last part of the path in and I always have to complete this manually by putting "file://localhost/Users/thomas/Documents/" etc in front...

Rgrds, Thomas

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