Document Management System / Versioning system


Kees van Amerongen

Is there a software package outhere that can solve our wishlist ?

Wishlist :
1.. Add-on for MsWord, Excel and Powerpoint, including the contextmenu of
the Windows Explorer
2.. When using "Save" or "Save as" there should be an generated
versionnumber in the documentsname.
3.. When using "Save" or "Save as" there should be a possibility to add
additional information (keywords) in a database.
including giving 'rights' to users/usergroups
4.. When saving a already existing document, then transfer the former
version to an archive (or make the former version no longer direct available
(don't delete it))
5.. When deleting a document, place the last version in a archive.
6.. Integration with the Windows Explorer
7.. Central database with posibilitys to search the already mentioned
8.. Possibility to work off-line, and afterwards synchronise with the
central database.
9.. Option to read existing directories and add the documents to the
database (including a versionnumber to the documentsname).
10.. Adding rights to users/usergroups (see point 3)
11.. Open database (for example ODBC database of other thru Delphi
available database)

a.. Searchoptions within the documents.
b.. Web-interface

Nice to have
a.. Open architecture (COM interface)

Thanks for your input

Kees van Amerongen


There are quite a few that do bits of what you describe. The key problem is
most of the time, the users won't play ball. Although it's possible to set
up a system do do all these things automatically, a lot of the time users
just want to create a one-off, throw-away document that isn't part of the
control system; but to support that you need to make the control optional,
and then users forget to use it. (How would you feel about a hard copy
filing system that insisted you file *every* piece of paper?)

Have a look at SharePoint, Documentum, Interleave, and any other links you
can find that refer to those products.

Kees van Amerongen


i know that users don't want to register there document, thats why we want
to 'force' them.
Not knowing that another users have made changes on essential documents
costs more than to
'force' everyone to register there documents.

Someone any other suggestions ?


You do like banging your head against a wall don't you? What you're trying
to do just doesn't work. All that happens is that people will start calling
you the document nazi.

Kees van Amerongen

So, whats new ??

When attend people to follow the rules they wanted, this is always the case.
Im not affraid for that.
(Sorry, im already the company monster, but i don't mind)

Amedee Van Gasse

Jezebel shared this with us in microsoft.public.word.docmanagement:
You do like banging your head against a wall don't you? What you're
trying to do just doesn't work. All that happens is that people will
start calling you the document nazi.

Godwin was here. Thread stops here.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Hmm. I don't think that use of the word "nazi" is equivalent to mentioning
Hitler (but now I have). <g>

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