Document Map



What is it that you're trying to do?
I believe that the Document Map feature searches the
current document for text that has been marked up with
Header styles, and if it can't find any, it looks for
paragraphs with text in a larger typeface at the
begining, etc. So it builds the map itself.

I believe that the only thing you can do programmatically
with the map is show it, hide it and set it's percent
width. It's a child of the window object, so
ThisDocument.ActiveWindow.DocumentMap = True will turn
it on, ThisDocument.ActiveWindow.DocumentMap = False
turns it off,
ThisDocument.ActiveWindow.DocumentMapPercentWidth = 50
will make it fil up half of the active window.

If you're trying to manipulate what shows up there, you
need to change the style of various text throughout the


nic rye


Thanks for the interest.
That is of great help as I couldn't even find which object
its a child of.
However more importantly I wanted to programmatically set
the header depth displayed and the font size, etc.

But if not its tough luck on the user!


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