Document Merge and Split Function


Shane Buchholz

I am having 2 separate issues that I am hoping someone can help me

1. I am trying to take the name format "Last, First MI" and convert it
to "First MI Last". I have seen and tried many different ways and
continue to receive errors. Is there an easy way to convert this
data? The data is being pulled in from a database table that cannot
be manipulated into a Word 2000 document and I need to change it each
time it pulls in a name.

2. I am trying to populate data into a bookmarked Word 2000 document
and need it to put consecutive merges onto consecutive pages. Right
now it creates a new document for each record set. Any ideas on this
would be greatly appreciated.


Shane Buchholz


1. I am trying to take the name format "Last, First MI" and convert it
to "First MI Last". I have seen and tried many different ways and
continue to receive errors. Is there an easy way to convert this
data? The data is being pulled in from a database table that cannot
be manipulated into a Word 2000 document and I need to change it each
time it pulls in a name.

It's difficult to make changes like this on the fly as you do your merge (if
that's what you're trying to do .... it isn't quite clear from your post).
You can use Search & Replace after you've completed the merge. Or pull the
data into Excel, fix it there using Excel formulas, then use the Excel
workbook as your merge source. This has the advantage that you can actually
look at the data, and manually fix the odd balls, like double-barrelled
names and names that have embedded commas.

2. I am trying to populate data into a bookmarked Word 2000 document
and need it to put consecutive merges onto consecutive pages. Right
now it creates a new document for each record set. Any ideas on this
would be greatly appreciated.

You need to merge the recordsets. SQL JOIN statements will do this if you're
coming from a single database. Or, as above, pull the data into Excel to
create a single data source for Word to use.

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