Document/Print Out custom animation descriptions in PPT 2003




I have a Powerpoint 2003 presentation file with 90+ slides, where each
slide has custom animations applied to a variety of images. This
presentation is set to music; all of the animations are timed
specifically to the music.

I am going to reuse this presentation, animations, and music again,
but want to change the images used on each of the slides. I have
looked at using Animation Carbon ( ), which
requires that the animations are already on the page. What I would
prefer is to have a print out of the description of each animation,
including timing etc, for each object on each slide. That way I could
build the new presentation from scratch and manually add each image
and the appropriate animation/timing elements in order.

These images are pictures that will be taken at an event over a three
day prediod and I would like the ability to build the presentation in
increments, as the images are made available to me. Basically
spreading out the time needed to complete the presentation.

Does anyone know if there is a way to get this information out of
Powerpoint 2003?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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