Select, then use the following macro to identify the character
Sub ANSIValue()
S1$ = "Because the selected text contains"
S2$ = " characters, not all of the ANSI values will be displayed."
S3$ = "ANSI Value ("
S4$ = " characters in selection)"
S5$ = " character in selection)"
S6$ = "Text must be selected before this macro is run."
S7$ = "ANSI Value"
Dim strSel As String
Dim strNums As String
Dim LastFourChar As String
Dim iPos As Integer
strSel = Selection.Text
If Len(strSel) > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Len(strSel)
strNums = strNums + Str(Asc(Mid(strSel, i)))
Next i
strNums = LTrim(strNums)
If Len(strNums) > 255 Then
LastFourChar = Mid(strNums, 252, 4)
strNums = Left(strNums, 251) + Left(LastFourChar, _
4 - InStr(" ", LastFourChar))
MsgBox S1$ + Str(Len(strSel)) + S2$
End If
If Len(strSel) = 1 Then S4$ = S5$
MsgBox strNums, 0, S3$ + LTrim(Str(Len(strSel))) + S4$
MsgBox S6$, 0, S7$
End If
End Sub
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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