Yes, however it could be hit or miss. I didn't test this
out on War and Peace or anything close, but the following
wildcard search with a formatted replace might be a start.
In the find field, type ([\!\?.])([ ]{1,})([a-z]])
In the replace field type \1\2\3.
Click the More button and check use wildcards. Using the
format button at the bottom of the dialog box select font
and all caps.
Basically this will look for all instances of sentence
ending punctuation (!?.), one and two spaces, and the
first letter of the following sentence. It will replace
all instances found with the same information and CAP the
first letter.
You will have to watch for sentences ending in a
quoatation mark if the stop is inside the mark. That is
one meaning of hit or miss. You could create another
search string to find that as well.
If you elect to use something like this, you could record
a macro and run it before finalizing your document.