Document Recovery Pane


M Skabialka

When Word crashed yesterday, and I restarted it, there were two copies of my
original document (used as a template) that it said were repaired. I had
the option of saving them or looking at them later. Not thinking the
original document (which I haven't changed or saved) could be corrupted I
said show me later. Next time I opened Word I didn't get the Document
Recovery Pane option.

I think my original has problems - it suddenly added about a dozen blank
pages in the middle.

How do I get back to the Document Recovery Pane so I can get a repaired
copy? Or is there another option?



Jay Freedman

Use the File > Open dialog. Select the file of the original document. Click
the down arrow on the Open button and choose "Open and Repair".

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

M Skabialka

Thanks - I had forgotten about this way to open a file. Maybe Office 2007
will make it more obvious?

Jay Freedman

No, the process is exactly the same in 2007, except that you click the
Office button instead of the File menu to get to the Open dialog.

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