Document Size


Mary Sauer

Early versions the maximum was 2 gigabytes. I don't think that has changed.
The file size of OLE objects does not count in this total. If you link or embed
objects to your publication, that publication could theoretically have a file
size that is greater than 2 GB.

Joe R

Thanks for the info regarding document size.

I am considering using Publisher for a family history document that I
currently have in MSWord. The current size is 28,000kb with a lot of
pictures. I imported about 25 pages into Publisher and I like the way the
pictures stay anchored. I am still trying to determine if Publisher is the
best route. MSword while great for the word processing does not handle image
data very well. Any advice?

Mary Sauer

If you are comfortable with text boxes I'd go with Publisher. Word is good with
long documents, but as you found; images can be problematic.

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