Document slow



I have a specific document that I frequently make changes to and whenever I
type in certan areas of the form, the program freezes momentarily. It's only
for a few seconds but it happens frequently and makes it hard to work with
the document. Is there any reason that would cause these freezes? There are
no formuals or anything on the form, just some very basic tables. Anyone
have any suggestions on how to fix this?

Shauna Kelly


It sounds like there might be some corruption in the document. Follow the
steps in the following article to create a new document file to hold your

How can I recover a corrupt document or template - and why did
it become corrupt?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Sometimes when you're working in tables they can appear to freeze. This is
because Word is trying to update the display. Go to Table> Properties >
Options and uncheck the automatically resize to fit contents option.
That should help with the display freezing.

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