Document Tracking Database Design


Jason J. Thomas

I had thought I posted this query last week, but I was using Google
Groups. Something tells me that it did not work as expected. If this
is a repost, I apologize in advance. I also apologize for the length of
this message, as I am going into detail as to the design of the database
I am working on.

Generally speaking, the database is a document tracking database for an
auditing and accounting firm. In order to ensure accountability of the
staff, they want to track when documents are received for our different
clients. Reports will be ran against this data in order to determine
what may be outstanding and need to be completed.

I have already designed some tables for this database, and I am listing
them below:
tblClientSetup = Table containing initial setup information for clients,
including ClientID, PartnerName, BackgroundCheckStatus, and
BackgroundComplete. ClientID is the primary key for this table.

tblReports = Table containing all of the reports that are due for
clients, with a Yes/No field as a status indicator and a Time/Date field
for when the reports/documents were received.

tklpYearEnd = Unused lookup table containing Year End information.

tlkpClients = Lookup table containing clients and ClientID, from another
application currently in use for time and expense reporting and billing
for the firm.

tlkpDeliverables = Lookup table containing special deliverable reports
that are due depending upon the client.

tlkpPartner = Lookup table that contains Partner Names.

Currently, there are four relationships, with 2 being important.

In tblClientSetup, there is a lookup to tlkpClients and to
tlkpPartnerName. So, these are what I would define as the two minor
relationships. There is a major relationship from tblClientSetup to
tblReports. The relationship is a one-to-many relationship with a
common field linked between the two.

The second major relationship is between tblReports and
tlkpDeliverables. The relationship is a many-to-one relationship.

My first concern is whether I am building the relationships correctly?
Obviously, ClientID is the tie that binds both of these tables, from my
perspective. It is the problem I cannot seem to get my head wrapped
around. I also believe that will resolve the problem I am seeing in my
early stages of getting data to "stick" between the tables.

I can place a picture of the relationship if that will be helpful. Just
let me know, and I will make it so. In any event, I appreciate any
wisdom on this issue.


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